Additional Expenses

Additional Expenses Coverage

Protect Yourself Against Unexpected Costs with Additional Expenses Cover

Travelling can be unpredictable, and unforeseen events may disrupt your plans. Our IEC travel insurance includes additional expenses coverage, ensuring you’re financially protected when unexpected circumstances arise, such as illness, accidents, or trip disruptions.

What’s Covered Under Additional Expenses?

  • Accommodation Costs: If your travel is delayed due to illness, natural disasters, or other covered reasons, this policy reimburses costs for extra accommodation and meals.
  • Alternative Travel Arrangements: Covers costs if you need to rearrange flights, transport, or accommodation due to unexpected delays or cancellations.
  • Emergency Travel for Family Members: Provides financial support for a close family member to travel to your location if you’re hospitalised or critically ill.
  • Quarantine-Related Expenses: Covers extra costs incurred if you’re required to quarantine during your trip.

Why Is Additional Expenses Coverage Important?

Unexpected travel disruptions can result in significant out-of-pocket costs, particularly for long-term trips like your IEC working holiday in Canada. This coverage ensures you won’t bear the financial burden of rearranging plans due to unforeseen events.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, additional accommodation and meal costs are covered if illness or injury delays your travel plans.

This includes costs for rescheduling flights, transport, or accommodation if your trip is disrupted due to a covered event like a natural disaster or strike.

Yes, if you’re required to quarantine during your trip for medical reasons, your additional costs for accommodation and meals may be reimbursed.

Yes, this coverage includes travel costs for a close family member to visit you if you’re critically ill or hospitalised.